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American Indian Diabetes Prevention Center: Impacting Health Disparity in YouthGrant Why?
Genome, Metabolome, Ancestry and Diabetes Health DisparityGrant Why?
Partnering to understand: an investigation of health disparity in the communities surrounding a university health sciences center.Academic Article Why?
A longitudinal multi-level analysis of health disparities among adolescentsGrant Why?
Addressing Health Disparities among Oklahoma Minority and Rural Communities through Clinical Research Education and Career DevelopmentGrant Why?
Davlyatov, GanisherPerson Why?
Health Disparities Among Exclusively Lesbian, Mostly Lesbian, and Bisexual Young Women.Academic Article Why?
Leveraging health informatics to foster a smart systems response to health disparities and health equity challenges.Academic Article Why?
Developing Dashboards to Address Children's Health Disparities in Ohio.Academic Article Why?
Inclusion of Health Disparities, Cultural Competence, and Health Literacy Content in US and Canadian Pharmacy Curriculums.Academic Article Why?
Title: Disparities in social determinants of health and health outcomes among OklahomansGrant Why?
Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: COVID-19 Exposures and Mortality Among African American People in the United States.Academic Article Why?
Poverty and health disparities for American Indian and Alaska Native children: current knowledge and future prospects.Academic Article Why?
Reducing Health Disparities in Rural Youth through Telehealth: A Mixed-Methods ApproachGrant Why?
Barriers driving health care disparities in utilization of age-appropriate screening.Academic Article Why?
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