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Search Results (15)

Tubulin is a neuronal target of autoantibodies in Sydenham's chorea.Academic Article Why?
[Morvan's fibrillary chorea after gold therapy].Academic Article Why?
[Morvan's fibrillary chorea following chrysotherapy].Academic Article Why?
Brain human monoclonal autoantibody from sydenham chorea targets dopaminergic neurons in transgenic mice and signals dopamine D2 receptor: implications in human disease.Academic Article Why?
ChoreaConcept Why?
Chorea GravidarumConcept Why?
Double trouble: para-neoplastic anti-PCA-2 and CRMP-5-mediated small fibre neuropathy followed by chorea associated with small cell lung cancer and evolving radiological features.Academic Article Why?
Menendez, ChandraPerson Why?
Pathogenesis of group A streptococcal infections and their sequelae.Academic Article Why?
Streptococcus and rheumatic fever.Academic Article Why?
Epitopes of streptococcal M proteins that evoke antibodies that cross-react with human brain.Academic Article Why?
Asch, LisaPerson Why?
Cunningham, PhinaPerson Why?
Borden, NeilPerson Why?
Bronze, MichaelPerson Why?
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  • Sydenham Chorea
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