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Search Results (21)

Tetnowski, JenniferPerson Why?
A Rare Case of Prolonged Ictal Aphasia.Academic Article Why?
The behavioral consequences of a communication intervention on institutionalized residents with aphasia and dysarthria.Academic Article Why?
AphasiaConcept Why?
Aphasia, BrocaConcept Why?
Aphasia, ConductionConcept Why?
Aphasia, Primary ProgressiveConcept Why?
Aphasia, WernickeConcept Why?
Primary Progressive Nonfluent AphasiaConcept Why?
Patterns of Conversation Trouble Source and Repair as Indices of Improved Conversation in Aphasia: A Multiple-Case Study Using Conversation Analysis.Academic Article Why?
The Artery of Aphasia, A Uniquely Sensitive Posterior Temporal Middle Cerebral Artery Branch that Supplies Language Areas in the Brain: Anatomy and Report of Four Cases.Academic Article Why?
Behavioural abnormalities associated with rapid deterioration of language functions in semantic dementia respond to sertraline.Academic Article Why?
Increasing communication ability in aphasic/dysarthric patients.Academic Article Why?
Is recurrent perseveration a product of deafferented functional systems with otherwise normal post-activation decay rates?Academic Article Why?
Sultan, FahdPerson Why?
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  • Aphasia Acquired
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