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A Cross-Section Study of the Ontogeny of Gender Roles in Women with DSD.Academic Article Why?
Sexual and gender minority young adults' smoking characteristics: Assessing differences by sexual orientation and gender identity.Academic Article Why?
Differential introgression of a female competitive trait in a hybrid zone between sex-role reversed species.Academic Article Why?
Gender IdentityConcept Why?
Change in attitudes about employed mothers: exposure, interests, and gender ideology discrepancies.Academic Article Why?
Discrimination, Substance Use, and Mental Health among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults Accessing Day Shelter Services.Academic Article Why?
Evaluation of Progress Toward Gender Equity Among Departmental Chairs in Academic Medicine.Academic Article Why?
Smoking cessation intervention trial outcomes for sexual and gender minority young adults.Academic Article Why?
Gender equality in global health leadership: Cross-sectional survey of global health graduates.Academic Article Why?
Vogel, ErinPerson Why?
Health Concerns of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth and Their Parents Upon Presentation to a Transgender Clinic.Academic Article Why?
Assessing Sex, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Race, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Mental Health Concerns in Tobacco Use Disorder Treatment Research: Measurement Challenges and Recommendations From a Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Pre-conference Workshop.Academic Article Why?
Gender and tropical diseases: a new research focus.Academic Article Why?
Gender differences in self-esteem: a meta-analysis.Academic Article Why?
Gender, status, and psychiatric labels.Academic Article Why?
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