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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Businelle, Michael
Item TypeName
Concept Mental Health
Academic Article Do stressful events account for the link between socioeconomic status and mental health?
Academic Article Distress Tolerance Links Sleep Problems with Stress and Health in Homeless.
Academic Article The Association Between Smoking Abstinence and Pain Trajectory Among Veterans Engaged in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Care.
Academic Article On the pervasiveness of event-specific alcohol use, general substance use, and mental health problems as risk factors for intimate partner violence.
Academic Article Fruit and vegetable consumption and emotional distress tolerance as potential links between food insecurity and poor physical and mental health among homeless adults.
Grant mHealth to Increase Service Utilization Among Recently Incarcerated Homeless Adults
Grant Mobile Health to Monitor Risk for COVID-19 and Improve Mental Health during the Pandemic
Academic Article Discrimination, Substance Use, and Mental Health among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults Accessing Day Shelter Services.
Academic Article Greater Discrimination Frequency and Lower Distress Tolerance Are Associated with Mental Health Problems Among Racially Privileged and Minoritized Adults Accessing an Urban Day Shelter.
Academic Article The association of sleep with physical and mental health among people experiencing homelessness.
Academic Article Does the Relationship between Affect and Social Interactions among Adults Experiencing Homelessness Differ during Moments when at a Shelter versus Not?
Academic Article Anxiety sensitivity and COVID-19 mental health, fatigue, and well-being: a longitudinal examination among adults from the United States during March-October 2020.
Grant A National Test of a Culturally Tailored mHealth Integrated Smoking Cessation and Mental Health Intervention for Black Adults with HIV
Academic Article The influence of sociodemographic, tobacco use, and mental health characteristics on treatment adherence among adults enrolled in a community-based tobacco cessation program.
Search Criteria
  • Mental Health