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Search Results
Ungvari, Zoltan
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Ungvari, Zoltan
Item Type
Neurovascular Coupling
Academic Article
Assessment of age-related decline of neurovascular coupling responses by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in humans.
Academic Article
Treatment with the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor PJ-34 improves cerebromicrovascular endothelial function, neurovascular coupling responses and cognitive performance in aged mice, supporting the NAD+ depletion hypothesis of neurovascular aging.
Academic Article
Pharmacological or genetic depletion of senescent astrocytes prevents whole brain irradiation-induced impairment of neurovascular coupling responses protecting cognitive function in mice.
Academic Article
Obesity-induced cognitive impairment in older adults: a microvascular perspective.
Academic Article
Fusogenic liposomes effectively deliver resveratrol to the cerebral microcirculation and improve endothelium-dependent neurovascular coupling responses in aged mice.
Academic Article
Traumatic brain injury-induced autoregulatory dysfunction and spreading depression-related neurovascular uncoupling: Pathomechanisms, perspectives, and therapeutic implications.
Academic Article
Treatment with the mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant peptide SS-31 rescues neurovascular coupling responses and cerebrovascular endothelial function and improves cognition in aged mice.
Academic Article
Age-related impairment of neurovascular coupling responses: a dynamic vessel analysis (DVA)-based approach to measure decreased flicker light stimulus-induced retinal arteriolar dilation in healthy older adults.
Academic Article
Overexpression of catalase targeted to mitochondria improves neurovascular coupling responses in aged mice.
Academic Article
Purinergic glio-endothelial coupling during neuronal activity: role of P2Y1 receptors and eNOS in functional hyperemia in the mouse somatosensory cortex.
Academic Article
Functional vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia: mechanisms and consequences of cerebral autoregulatory dysfunction, endothelial impairment, and neurovascular uncoupling in aging.
Academic Article
Cerebromicrovascular dysfunction predicts cognitive decline and gait abnormalities in a mouse model of whole brain irradiation-induced accelerated brain senescence.
Academic Article
Demonstration of impaired neurovascular coupling responses in TG2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease using functional laser speckle contrast imaging.
Academic Article
Correction to: Pharmacologically induced impairment of neurovascular coupling responses alters gait coordination in mice.
Academic Article
Prostaglandin E2, a postulated mediator of neurovascular coupling, at low concentrations dilates whereas at higher concentrations constricts human cerebral parenchymal arterioles.
Academic Article
Resveratrol treatment rescues neurovascular coupling in aged mice: role of improved cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and downregulation of NADPH oxidase.
Academic Article
IGF-1 deficiency impairs neurovascular coupling in mice: implications for cerebromicrovascular aging.
Academic Article
Pharmacologically-induced neurovascular uncoupling is associated with cognitive impairment in mice.
Academic Article
Impaired neurovascular coupling in aging and Alzheimer's disease: Contribution of astrocyte dysfunction and endothelial impairment to cognitive decline.
Academic Article
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation rescues cerebromicrovascular endothelial function and neurovascular coupling responses and improves cognitive function in aged mice.
Academic Article
Hypertension impairs neurovascular coupling and promotes microvascular injury: role in exacerbation of Alzheimer's disease.
Academic Article
Pharmacologically induced impairment of neurovascular coupling responses alters gait coordination in mice.
Academic Article
Midlife Obesity Impairs Neurovascular Coupling Responses.
Radiation-induced astrocyte dysfunction and cognitive decline
Academic Article
IGF1R signaling regulates astrocyte-mediated neurovascular coupling in mice: implications for brain aging.
Academic Article
Increased cognitive workload evokes greater neurovascular coupling responses in healthy young adults.
Academic Article
Endothelial Dysfunction and Impaired Neurovascular Coupling Responses Precede Cognitive Impairment in a Mouse Model of Geriatric Sepsis.
Cerebromicrovascular rejuvenation by heterochronic blood exchange
Academic Article
Sleep deprivation impairs cognitive performance, alters task-associated cerebral blood flow and decreases cortical neurovascular coupling-related hemodynamic responses.
Academic Article
Endothelial deficiency of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) impairs neurovascular coupling responses in mice, mimicking aspects of the brain aging phenotype.
Academic Article
Microvascular dysfunction and neurovascular uncoupling are exacerbated in peripheral artery disease, increasing the risk of cognitive decline in older adults.
Academic Article
Age-related decline in circulating IGF-1 associates with impaired neurovascular coupling responses in older adults.
Search Criteria
Neurovascular Coupling