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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Piao, Daqing
Item Type | Name |
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Positron-Emission Tomography
Tomography, Optical
Tomography, Optical Coherence
Academic Article
Direct-current-based image reconstruction versus direct-current included or excluded frequency-domain reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography.
Academic Article
The utility of direct-current as compared to frequency domain measurements in spectrally-constrained diffuse optical tomography toward cancer imaging.
Academic Article
Percutaneous single-fiber reflectance spectroscopy of canine intervertebral disc: is there a potential for in situ probing of mineral degeneration?
Academic Article
Direct bidirectional angle-insensitive imaging of the flow signal intensity in Doppler optical coherence tomography.
Academic Article
Hybrid positron detection and optical coherence tomography system: design, calibration, and experimental validation with rabbit atherosclerotic models.
Academic Article
Video-rate near-infrared optical tomography using spectrally encoded parallel light delivery.
Academic Article
Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled near-infrared optical tomography of the prostate, part I: simulation.
Academic Article
Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled near-infrared optical tomography of the prostate, part II: experimental demonstration.
Academic Article
Transrectal ultrasound-integrated spectral optical tomography of hypoxic progression of a regressing tumor in a canine prostate.
Academic Article
A geometric-sensitivity-difference based algorithm improves object depth-localization for diffuse optical tomography in a circular-array outward-imaging geometry.
Academic Article
Quantitative assessment of flow velocity-estimation algorithms for optical Doppler tomography imaging.
Academic Article
Doppler angle and flow velocity mapping by combined Doppler shift and Doppler bandwidth measurements in optical Doppler tomography.
Academic Article
Quantifying Doppler angle and mapping flow velocity by a combination of Doppler-shift and Doppler-bandwidth measurements in optical Doppler tomography.
Academic Article
Characterization of dentin, enamel, and carious lesions by a polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography system.
Academic Article
Rapid near-infrared diffuse tomography for hemodynamic imaging using a low-coherence wideband light source.
Academic Article
In vivo trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled optical tomography of a transmissible venereal tumor model in the canine pelvic canal.
Academic Article
Singular value decomposition based computationally efficient algorithm for rapid dynamic near-infrared diffuse optical tomography.
Academic Article
Trans-rectal ultrasound-coupled spectral optical tomography of total hemoglobin concentration enhances assessment of the laterality and progression of a transmissible venereal tumor in canine prostate.
Academic Article
Toward transduodenal diffuse optical tomography of proximal pancreas.
Academic Article
Simultaneous optical coherence tomography imaging and beta particle detection.
Academic Article
Digital signal processor-based real-time optical Doppler tomography system.
Academic Article
Portable near-infrared diffusive light imager for breast cancer detection.
Academic Article
Endoscopic, rapid near-infrared optical tomography.
Academic Article
Minimization of geometric-beam broadening in a grating-based time-domain delay line for optical coherence tomography application.
Academic Article
A geometric-sensitivity-difference method improves object depth-localization for continuous-wave fluorescence diffuse optical tomography: an in silico study in an axial outward-imaging geometry.