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Search Results
Farris, A.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Farris, A.
Item Type
Academic Article
Fine specificity of the autoimmune response to the Ro/SSA and La/SSB ribonucleoproteins.
Academic Article
Characterization and genomic sequence of the murine 60 kD Ro gene.
Academic Article
Detection of a rare oligo(A) repeat tract mutation (8As-->7As) in the sequence encoding the La/SS-B autoantigen.
Academic Article
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and type 1 interferon promote peripheral expansion of forkhead box protein 3(+) regulatory T cells specific for the ubiquitous RNA-binding nuclear antigen La/Sjögren's syndrome (SS)-B.
Academic Article
Genes for murine Y1 and Y3 Ro RNAs have class 3 RNA polymerase III promoter structures and are unlinked on mouse chromosome 6.
Academic Article
Autoimmunity as a result of escape from RNA surveillance.
Academic Article
T cell epitopes of the La/SSB autoantigen in humanized transgenic mice expressing the HLA class II haplotype DRB1*0301/DQB1*0201.
Academic Article
Functional anergy in a subpopulation of naive B cells from healthy humans that express autoreactive immunoglobulin receptors.
Academic Article
Defective selection of thymic regulatory T cells accompanies autoimmunity and pulmonary infiltrates in Tcra-deficient mice double transgenic for human La/Sjögren's syndrome-B and human La-specific TCR.
Academic Article
Neo-epitopes are required for immunogenicity of the La/SS-B nuclear antigen in the context of late apoptotic cells.
Academic Article
Regulatory T cells and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Academic Article
Y3 is the most conserved small RNA component of Ro ribonucleoprotein complexes in vertebrate species.
Academic Article
T Cell Mediated Conversion of a Non-Anti-La Reactive B Cell to an Autoreactive Anti-La B Cell by Somatic Hypermutation.
Academic Article
Two Be or Not Two Be: The Nuclear Autoantigen La/SS-B Is Able to Form Dimers and Oligomers in a Redox Dependent Manner.
Academic Article
And Yet It Moves: Oxidation of the Nuclear Autoantigen La/SS-B Is the Driving Force for Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Shuttling.
Specificity and Molecular Definition of Pathogenic Lymphocytes in Sjogren's Syndrome
Tolerance to the Nuclear Antigen La
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