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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Sisson, Susan
Item Type | Name |
Health Surveys
Nutrition Surveys
Surveys and Questionnaires
Diet Surveys
Academic Article
Tribally Affiliated Child-Care Center Environment and Obesogenic Behaviors in Young Children.
Academic Article
Proximal and distal environmental correlates of adolescent obesity.
Academic Article
Profiles of sedentary behavior in children and adolescents: the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2006.
Academic Article
Accelerometer-determined steps/day and metabolic syndrome.
Academic Article
Television, reading, and computer time: correlates of school-day leisure-time sedentary behavior and relationship with overweight in children in the U.S.
Academic Article
Television-viewing time and dietary quality among U.S. children and adults.
Academic Article
Influence of family structure on obesogenic behaviors and placement of bedroom TVs of American children: National Survey of Children's Health 2007.
Academic Article
Association Between Maternal Stress, Work Status, Concern About Child Weight, and Restrictive Feeding Practices in Preschool Children.
Academic Article
Mothers' self-reported grocery shopping behaviours with their 2- to 7-year-old children: relationship between feeding practices and mothers' willingness to purchase child-requested nutrient-poor, marketed foods, and fruits and vegetables.
Academic Article
Physical Activity, Body Mass Index, and Clustered Metabolic Risk in U.S. Adolescents: 2007-2012 Nhanes.
Academic Article
Television viewing and variations in energy intake in adults and children in the USA.
Academic Article
Physical activity and screen time in metabolically healthy obese phenotypes in adolescents and adults.
Academic Article
Screen time, physical activity, and overweight in U.S. youth: national survey of children's health 2003.
Academic Article
Accelerometer-determined moderate intensity lifestyle activity and cardiometabolic health.
Academic Article
Results From the United States of America's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Academic Article
Characteristics of step-defined physical activity categories in U.S. adults..
Academic Article
Sitting and cardiometabolic risk factors in U.S. adolescents.
Academic Article
What's for lunch? An analysis of lunch menus in 83 urban and rural Oklahoma child-care centers providing all-day care to preschool children.
Academic Article
BMI Data Collection and Communication Practices in a Multistate Sample of Head Start Programs.
Academic Article
Methods for Assessing Willingness to Try and Vegetable Consumption among Children in Indigenous Early Childcare Settings: The FRESH Study.
- Surveys and Questionnaires