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Search Results
Ihnat, Michael
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Ihnat, Michael
Item Type
Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Academic Article
Oscillating glucose is more deleterious to endothelial function and oxidative stress than mean glucose in normal and type 2 diabetic patients.
Academic Article
Simultaneous control of hyperglycemia and oxidative stress normalizes enhanced thrombin generation in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
Intraretinal leakage and oxidation of LDL in diabetic retinopathy.
Academic Article
Clinical review 2: The "metabolic memory": is more than just tight glucose control necessary to prevent diabetic complications?
Academic Article
Long-term glycemic control influences the long-lasting effect of hyperglycemia on endothelial function in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article
'Glycaemic variability': a new therapeutic challenge in diabetes and the critical care setting.
Academic Article
Effect of acute hyperglycaemia, long-term glycaemic control and insulin on endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in Type 1 diabetic patients with different characteristics.
Academic Article
Oxidative stress is, convincingly, the mediator of the dangerous effects of glucose variability.
Academic Article
Reactive oxygen species mediate a cellular 'memory' of high glucose stress signalling.
Search Criteria
Diabetes Mellitus