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Search Results
Zheng, Bin
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Zheng, Bin
Item Type
Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography
Computed Tomography Angiography
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Academic Article
Noise Power Characteristics of a Micro-Computed Tomography System.
Academic Article
A two-step convolutional neural network based computer-aided detection scheme for automatically segmenting adipose tissue volume depicting on CT images.
Academic Article
Improving lung cancer prognosis assessment by incorporating synthetic minority oversampling technique and score fusion method.
Academic Article
Applying Quantitative CT Image Feature Analysis to Predict Response of Ovarian Cancer Patients to Chemotherapy.
Academic Article
Improving the performance of CNN to predict the likelihood of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images with preprocessing algorithms.
Academic Article
Developing a new radiomics-based CT image marker to detect lymph node metastasis among cervical cancer patients.
Academic Article
Applying a random projection algorithm to optimize machine learning model for predicting peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer patients using CT images.
Academic Article
Quantitative investigation of the edge enhancement in in-line phase contrast projections and tomosynthesis provided by distributing microbubbles on the interface between two tissues: a phantom study.
Academic Article
Measurements of adiposity as prognostic biomarkers for survival with anti-angiogenic treatment in epithelial ovarian cancer: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group ancillary data analysis of GOG 218.
Academic Article
Investigation of spatial resolution characteristics of an in vivo micro computed tomography system.
Academic Article
Early prediction of clinical benefit of treating ovarian cancer using quantitative CT image feature analysis.
Academic Article
Correlation of imaging and plasma based biomarkers to predict response to bevacizumab in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).
Academic Article
Applying a radiomics-based CAD scheme to classify between malignant and benign pancreatic tumors using CT images.
Academic Article
Developing new quantitative CT image markers to predict prognosis of acute ischemic stroke patients.
Academic Article
Improving Performance of Breast Lesion Classification Using a ResNet50 Model Optimized with a Novel Attention Mechanism.
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