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Search Results
Jo, Javier
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Jo, Javier
Item Type
Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Tomography, Optical Coherence
Academic Article
Multimodal optical imaging for simultaneous in-vivo morphological and biochemical characterization of oral epithelial cancer.
Academic Article
Simultaneous morphological and biochemical endogenous optical imaging of atherosclerosis.
Academic Article
Intravascular optical coherence tomography method for automated detection of macrophage infiltration within atherosclerotic coronary plaques.
Academic Article
Methylene blue-filled biodegradable polymer particles as a contrast agent for optical coherence tomography.
Academic Article
Automated analysis of multimodal fluorescence lifetime imaging and optical coherence tomography data for the diagnosis of oral cancer in the hamster cheek pouch model.
Academic Article
Multimodal optical coherence tomography and fluorescence lifetime imaging with interleaved excitation sources for simultaneous endogenous and exogenous fluorescence.
Academic Article
AI-Assisted In Situ Detection of Human Glioma Infiltration Using a Novel Computational Method for Optical Coherence Tomography.
Academic Article
Dual-modality optical coherence tomography and frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope system for intravascular imaging.
Academic Article
In vivo simultaneous morphological and biochemical optical imaging of oral epithelial cancer.
Academic Article
A dual-modality optical coherence tomography and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy system for simultaneous morphological and biochemical tissue characterization.
Academic Article
Automated classification of optical coherence tomography images for the diagnosis of oral malignancy in the hamster cheek pouch.
Combined OCT/FLIM Biochemical and Anatomical Imaging for Early Cancer Diagnosis
Academic Article
Applying a radiomics-based CAD scheme to classify between malignant and benign pancreatic tumors using CT images.
Academic Article
Rapid lipid-laden plaque identification in intravascular optical coherence tomography imaging based on time-series deep learning.
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