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Search Results
Cook, Paul
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Cook, Paul
Item Type
Academic Article
Alpha-secondary tritium kinetic isotope effects indicate hydrogen tunneling and coupled motion occur in the oxidation of L-malate by NAD-malic enzyme.
Academic Article
Mechanism of activation of the NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum by fumarate.
Academic Article
Substrate activation by malate induced by oxalate in the Ascaris suum NAD-malic enzyme reaction.
Academic Article
Mapping the active site topography of the NAD-malic enzyme via alanine-scanning site-directed mutagenesis.
Academic Article
Kinetic mechanism in the direction of oxidative decarboxylation for NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum.
Academic Article
Determination of dissociation constants for enzyme-reactant complexes for NAD-malic enzyme by modulation of the thiol inactivation rate.
Academic Article
Metal ion activator effects on intrinsic isotope effects for hydride transfer from decarboxylation in the reaction catalyzed by the NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum.
Academic Article
Role of the divalent metal ion in the NAD:malic enzyme reaction: an ESEEM determination of the ground state conformation of malate in the E:Mn:malate complex.
Academic Article
Tartrate dehydrogenase catalyzes the stepwise oxidative decarboxylation of D-malate with both NAD and thio-NAD.
Academic Article
Ascaris suum NAD-malic enzyme is activated by L-malate and fumarate binding to separate allosteric sites.
Academic Article
Multiple isotope effects with alternative dinucleotide substrates as a probe of the malic enzyme reaction.
Academic Article
Modification of a thiol at the active site of the Ascaris suum NAD-malic enzyme results in changes in the rate-determining steps for oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate.
Academic Article
Multiple roles of arginine 181 in binding and catalysis in the NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum.
Academic Article
Diethylpyrocarbonate inactivation of NAD-malic enzyme from Ascaris suum.
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